Low level of violence

By Yossi Sheriff

Low Level of Violence (L.O.V) (רמת אלימות) is a quantitative measure on a scale of violence used in the Methodical Pyramid, the methodology of the AKBAN academy. This scale assesses the potential harm that a technique, weapon, or physical confrontation can inflict.

Understanding Low Level of Violence

In martial arts and self-defense, Low Level of Violence refers to techniques that cause minimal or no physical harm. These techniques prioritize control and restraint over incapacitation or serious injury, making them essential for de-escalating confrontations while minimizing damage.

Characteristics of Low Level of Violence Techniques

  • Cause minimal pain or physical damage, such as bruises or temporary discomfort.
  • Emphasize control and restraint rather than inflicting serious harm or incapacitation.
  • Ideal for self-defense scenarios where de-escalation is the primary goal.
  • Include techniques like joint locks, throws, and non-damaging strikes.

Application in Martial Arts Training

Low Level of Violence techniques form a crucial part of Ninjutsu training, focusing on control, precision, and the ethical application of force. In AKBAN, these techniques are identified with the L.O.V label during kata analysis and technique methodology, ensuring safe and responsible practice.

Importance in Self-Defense Situations

Employing Low Level of Violence techniques in self-defense situations can effectively neutralize threats while minimizing the risk of serious harm. This approach aligns with legal and moral considerations, emphasizing the importance of a proportionate response to the level of threat faced.

Factors Influencing the Application of Low Level of Violence

  • Technique Execution: Controlled and measured application of force.
  • Target Areas: Avoiding strikes to vulnerable or critical body regions.
  • Intent: Aiming to de-escalate or neutralize rather than cause harm.
  • Context: Assessing the situation and environment to determine the appropriate level of response.

Developing Mastery through Training

Mastering Low Level of Violence techniques requires dedicated training that emphasizes control, timing, and situational awareness. In AKBAN, these skills are cultivated through the Methodical Pyramid, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of violence levels and their appropriate application.


The concept of Low Level of Violence is central to martial arts and self-defense, promoting a responsible and ethical approach to physical confrontations. Effectively applying these techniques demonstrates a practitioner's skill, judgment, and commitment to minimizing harm while ensuring personal safety and the safety of others.

Levels of violence from AKBAN on Vimeo.

Partial list of techniques with a low level of violence

Yama arashi no kata, Chuden Gata level, Kukishin RyuYama arashi no kata, Chuden Gata level, Kukishin RyuLow level of violence
Oni kudaki, shoulder lock - NinjutsuOni kudaki, shoulder lock - NinjutsuLow level of violence
Medium level of violence
High level of violence
Musha dori, underarm shoulder lock - NinjutsuMusha dori, underarm shoulder lock - NinjutsuLow level of violence
Medium level of violence
KataKataLow level of violence
Jumonji no kamae, cross fighting stance,- NinjutsuJumonji no kamae, cross fighting stance,- NinjutsuLow level of violence
Medium level of violence