A short summery and oncoming sessions, 19-23.2.2017
For some of AKBAN instructors, and me included, the last weeks have been extremely busy and interesting. After the visit of our colleague from Japan and a Detant workshop for rescue team leaders we concluded one of our best symposiums at which AKBAN instructors from Israel and abroad participated. Last Friday we delivered another Detant workshop in which we ushered, for the first time, the next phase (Detant phase 2) of Detant's extensive syllabus. I think it was a good example of the depth of our program. I want to thank all the participants for the in-depth debriefing and attendance. We invest time and effort to adapt the Detant syllabus for different sectors and your input was invaluable. This week, in AKBAN dojo, we will continue learning the other side of the emotional regulation spectrum.