Beginning of a new training year and the 120!
Some logistics - We return to regular schedule at Tuesday. To enroll for a yearly study in AKBAN, please make sure you deliver the tuition to your instructor this week. All the holiday eating in front of us, demands even more Ninjutsu sessions. But before we start anew, we have a training year to send away properly. This Sunday we do the 120! August the 30th, the end of the Blitz month, at 18:00, at the Tel Aviv dojo, This awesome Randori marks the culmination of what has been a superb training year and a grueling August month. So before we will return to learning schedule, we have one more thing, one extreme session, the 120! What is this, one might ask, well, we do 120 fights, each a minute long, each with another partner, all of them - non stop. No big thing, just two hours and at 20:15 it is over.This week's schedule
Sunday, August the 30th, in Tel Aviv dojo, at 18:00, we have the 120 randori. Monday, August the 30th is still no session in Ramat Hasharon. Tuesday, September the 1st, is the return to regular schedule in Tel Aviv. 18:00-19:30 first session. 19:30-21:00, second session. Wednesday, September the 2nd, we return to Tedi Stadium dojo. 18:30-20:00, first session. 20:00-21:30 is the second, advanced session. Thursday, September the 3rd, at Tel Aviv dojo, from 18:00 till 20:00.29/08/2015