Building your own Iron Man suit
With the "Iron Man" movie release, the next few months are sure to see a flood of Iron Man must-have toys and gadgets. However, those more concerned with self-defense will not be satisfied with these trinkets. They will of course, like myself, want to build their own Iron Man suit in order to deal with common threats such as muggers, terrorists and roving bands of mutant ninja zombies. At first this may seem like another botched garage DIY job, but as the guys at WIRED explain, creating your own full body armor isn't as complicated as it seems:The Canadian's latest Trojan rig is comparatively portable, said to weigh just 40lb all-up. It is armoured with "high-impact plastic lined with ceramic bullet protection over ballistic foam", and supposedly has resisted elephant-gun fire in testing. This time Hurtubise wasn't inside, but he has said he's willing to conduct live-fire trials in person.
Akban's "Essential self-defense equipment" list also includes:
The AKBAN AHMD helmet
link to the article29/04/2008