New AKBAN wiki articles: completed the Koto ryu Hekito gata level, arm locks and punch combos

While working together with Keith on our mobile site, I managed to finish the Hekito gata level (with the online help of Z., one of the veterans). Clicking on the Hekito gata category shows a list of articles, all of them with video that was filmed and edited in our facility, all of them linked to the Hebrew הקיטו גטה.
  1. Soku boku, Hekito gata level - Koto ryu
  2. Shuriki, Hekito gata level - Koto ryu
  3. Saki ryoku, Hekito gata level - Koto ryu
  4. Kuahi, Hekito gata level - Koto ryu
  5. Kibo, Hekito gata level - Koto ryu
  6. Damara, Hekito gata level - Koto ryu
  7. Boku hen, Hekito gata level - Koto ryu
  8. Batsu yo, Hekito gata level - Koto ryu
Few armlocks (Joint lock) articles were updated
  1. Oni kudaki, shoulder lock - Ninjutsu
  2.  Musha dori, underarm shoulder lock - Ninjutsu
  3. Ude Garame, reverse shoulder lock - Ninjutsu
I uploaded two videos for the following articles
  1. Double Ura shuto drill with focus mitts
  2. Double jab cross drill with focus mitts

Video of Ninjutsu boxing drill
