Ninjutsu sessions for 28.9 - 3.10.2014
This week, it's training as usual, including the Friday morning weapon session in AKBAN Tel Aviv. At the Taijutsu groups we will do two levels. Beginners and intermediate level will practice four throws: Harai Goshi (kukishin), O guruma, Kani Basami and Yoko Sutemi and add three self defense kata of Koto Ryu. The advanced veteran level will explore four different exit points from an even rhythm preliminary attacks. Oni Kudaki, an armlock that has been bothering me since the fourth colloquium, will be emphasized. All the levels will repeat attack and defense syncopation and at the Jerusalem group we will use the punching bag for sequential Kihon work. Friday group will continue Randori oriented sword drills and start short stick of Jogo do pau. I attached three videos, the first one is Kani Basami throw, the second one is Kataho no kata and the third one is some great guy I found two years ago in YouTube who does the basics of Jogo du Pau and got only 96 view since, most of these are mine, I am sure. Anyway, here's this guy who does awesome stick with cool looking sunglasses in his dojo.Video of Kani Basami
Video of Kataho
Video of basic Jogo de Pau strikes