Ninjutsu training this week, 21-26.6.2015
This Sunday, 21.6.2015, at 20:15, we will have a basics class in Tel Aviv Honbu dojo. The Jerusalem dojo session will take place as usual at 18:00. This Friday, 26.6.2015 at 08:00, we will have the regular Edge Combat research session in Honbu Dojo Tel Aviv. Two weeks from now, at Friday 3.7.2015, 08:00, we will train at the second part of the successful BJJ seminar under the tutelage of Amir Haimi Sensei. Amir is an AKBAN Sandan and an Alan Moraes (Rio) BJJ black belt. Here's a link to the event page in Facebook. You can press the 'attend' button or just come. During the regular sessions this week we are continuing to move the difficulty level higher and will continue to work on our flowchart toward the AKBAN Blitz. I added an excellent video Ran has found of most of the throws that we do in the flow chart. Although a faster video speed probably enhances the wow factor of this video, it is still an excellent and accurate example of all the techniques.Video of the throws from our flowchart