Schedule for 26-31.1.2014, plus the 2014 1st. Ninjutsu colloquium
We are back at our regular Tel Aviv dojo, 294 Hayarkon St. At all the other dojos we'll be training as usual. Please mark Friday the 31st, 08:00-10:00 at the Tel Aviv dojo. We are having 2014 1st. Ninjutsu colloquium dealing with integration of kata material at the Takamatzu Den Ninjutsu and changing Tatakai, combat, details. The colloquium is suitable for students with more then 3 dojo years. This week we will explore both Nage waza and Ukemi work. Special emphasis will be on close quarter vital points for self defence. Please do not forget to bring punching gloves as we always validate our Ninjutsu with randori. For questions, please call me at:052-5108747 The sessions start with Ninjutsu kamae followed by the himum. The session ends with Randori. We upload selected Ninjutsu lessons to the Ninjutsu training category at the AKBAN wiki.25/01/2014