Schedule this week, 25-30.5.2014, and outlook of coming seminars
We are continuing integration of kata sequences into target work. We will present the syncopation, without using a metronome, and build three kata sequences with the syncopation. Several minutes each lesson will be dedicated to Oni Kudaki. Apart from the busy syllabus, we will start to introduce the 5th, sabaki, sequence.- This Friday, 30.5.2014 at 08:00-10:00, we will do an extended, two part training session. The first part will be Japanese sword. At the second part we will use tempo to work with advanced aerobic rhythms in attack. Please bring the punching gloves.
- VUS seminar at the Judea mountains, at 20.6.2014 08:00. This seminar has most of the places filled, so contact your instructor to check out availability.
- Gun 1, the first modern weapons seminar for 2014 at 27.6.2014 07:30, This seminar has 9 open places left.