This week's sessions in AKBAN, 13-18.3.2016
Gaby Frischlander will teach Niradin this Friday, 18.3.2016, 08:00 sharp, in Honbu dojo Tel Aviv. Here's the link to the Facebook event. Gaby is the senior instructor of Niradin in Israel and he will teach basic and intermediate skills of Niradin. This workshop is suitable to AKBAN members families and spouses. During the week we will amalgamate the sabaki and atemi drills we have been conducting. We will combine the Sabaki pushing hands drill with the Jig and the throws. Please bring gloves and water, these are not easy sessions. Just a reminder, without regular running, according to the gradual AKBAN fitness program, it is hard, or impossible to do a complete Sabaki push hands session.Video of hence of Shizen gata - Shinden Fudo ryu
Shizen, Ura gata 3,4, Shinden Fudo ryu dakentaijutsu - Ninjutsu for Akban wiki from AKBAN on Vimeo.