Training this week and ground fighting seminar
Being a well rounded fighter is a priority for the first 10 years in AKBAN academy. This Thursday, 19.2.2015, 18:00 and at Friday, 20.2.2015, 08:00, we will have a BJJ seminar with Amir Haimi Sensei. Amir is an AKBAN Sandan and an Alan Moraes (Rio) BJJ black belt. Amir will teach, in two concentrated days, BJJ techniques aimed at improving our Ninjutsu randori level. The price for one part of the seminar is 90 NIS and for the two parts we have a special AKBAN members price of 120 NIS. Here's a link to the FB event page At Saturday, 21.2.2015, we will have a special outdoor skills seminar with Yoni Ben For, an AKBAN Shodan and a specialist in outdoor survival and plant based medicine. (link to the FB event page) At the week before the seminars, on the regular schedule, we will work on one kata of Fudo Ryu. At the Combat kata groups we will concentrate on two Kukishinden Ryu kata.14/02/2015