Training this week in AKBAN, 15-20.6.2014 and Vertical Urban Survival seminar
During this week we are going to practice Ninjutsu as usual in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Ramat Hasharon dojos. At Friday we will have a special seminar. More on that later. For the Taijutsu this week we will repeat one bifurcation of Oni Kudaki lock and start working on sabaki, distancing and angles. Family defense and security is a full set of abilities that include more then the narrow field of self defense. Family defense & security, FDS, is the knowledge product of several experts in AKBAN. We applied the analytic tools of the Methodical Pyramid to dissect past and future scenarios involving a civilian protecting his family. From these we devised a set of specialties and training regime. This Friday we will work the first one - Vertical Urban Survival, or VUS. We will check possibilities of entering an apartment on a high rise building, and of evacuating family members. All these will be practiced with our own set of specially developed children protection tools by AKBAN instructors Think Tank. Here's a link to the event on Facebook. The seminar is fully booked, you can register for another one with your AKBAN instructor. But wait, there's more A week after, at the 27.6.2014, we will have the second family defense and security seminar, a seminar focused on handguns. Using our own instructors we will do handgun safety 101, shoot live ammo from various relevant positions and use Glocks. The seminar will conclude with a special preliminary to the drills we developed for protection of children and shooting in urban and domestic arena. All the seminars are with instructors from AKBAN who have, apart from Ninjutsu certification also CPR, handguns and rifles and rappelling (abseiling). All our seminars use emotional modulation techniques developed in Detant.