Wednesday in Jerusalem dojo - 7.11.2012
We will start today at 18:30 with Jab-cross combos and a drill down of Zenpo Kaiten. Later we will explore the many possibilities of the outside Jodan Yuke block and compare them to the accuracy and distancing needed for the inside Jodan Yuke. Repeating the Waki Gatame into Ura Oni Kudaki will conclude te first session. At the second, veterans's session, we will re-learn the basic ballistic approach to short stick syllabus in AKBAN and conclude, if time will suffice, with Ninjutsu Muto dori primer. Please pay attention tomorrow to the news on this site concerning the "24" this Thursday.Video of applying Jodan yuke in Randori
Jerusalem Martial arts - AKBAN06/11/2012