Wikipedia will add video, Just like the AKBAN-wiki

Wikipedia will soon provide its editors and users with video editing capabilities. Users will be able to import, edit and review videos inside Wikipedia. This is a true revolution – the ability to use the immense Wikipedia community to tag and append content to video media will contribute new insights and add knowledge. The huge Wikipedia community and its dedicated editor section that are supported directly by contributions and indirectly by Google's algorithm are in a good position to enter this almost virgin field of scholarly tagging of media. Earlier this month I wrote here about the reasons we had for building an independent wiki here in AKBAN. I wrote about the problems that still exist for Wikipedia: "Wikipedia has an unsolved problem with the copyright of non textual media types, a hurdle we solved by videoing and editing all the AKBAN-wiki techniques." Concisely, mediocre content will always be relatively free of copyrights while top content, content that takes time, effort and money to produce, will always be copyrighted for lack of other decent revenue generating models. We met with Kaltura team back in the beginning of 2008 and were happy with the solutions they generated in the AKBAN wiki. These same great innovators are now implementing the Kaltura video system into Wikipedia. Is the time ripe then for a merge of AKBAN-wiki's content into Wikipedia? I don't think it is. The Wikipedia will evolve around documenting existing content while this part of our project, as phrased in the last paragraph of our ethical code, will evolve around creating and disseminating new research material. Link to Technology review article Beginning of Kaltura in AKBAN wiki cooperation
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