Your martial arts wiki made easy and understandable
If you're an old hand in Wikipedia, skip this article, but if you're doing the first steps toward martial knowledge - here are few guidelines: 1. The Ninjutsu article, for example, contains few tabs at the top, pressing one of these history, for example, will give you the opportunity to compare versions - the new additions are colored red - each change you make is reversible, just click on the older version and save. 2. Each user contributions are tracked by the system, so Mr. Daniel and Mr. Ariel from Tel Aviv dojo get a lot of respect by watching the quality of their technique analysis. 3. It all starts with creating a free account and having guts. Your martial arts encyclopedia is a long time project and we can all learn by small steps. Start with small corrections, move on to analyzing videos and writing down the movements, finish by contributing your techniques and insights. Welcome.10/08/2007