Kasumi dori no kata, Shoden Omote Gata level, Takagi Yoshin Ryū Jūtaijutsu
Video of Kasumi dori
This Kata is shown with the help of Dr. Dan Hashimshony
Kasumi Dori, 霞捕, fog capture, (קסומי דורי) is a Takagi Yoshin Ryu Kata from the basic level of grappling in this Koryu.
Description of kasumi dori no kata
Tori sits in Seiza (with toes curled), step up right to left mune dori and kiai.
uke:Seiza (with toes curled), dori mune under A's dori, step up right, right ura shuto to right kasumi, right dori right, stand, release left hand, right ura gyaku, pull right, left to left daimon dori, left nage no kamae, pushing down on kaku, kime (final restraint) on arm and wrist, zanshin.