Koto Ryu techniques

By Yossi Sheriff

The Koto Ryu Techniques page includes all the martial arts techniques and katas of Koto ryu Koppojutsu (虎倒流骨法術). (טכניקות לחימה, קוטו ריו).

Koto Ryu is a Koryu, one of the Takamatsu den systems and a mainstay in Akban syllabus.

The Kamae of Kurai dori - Koto Ryu Koppojutsu

Kurai Dori, five combat stances - Koto Ryu

Hidari Seigan no kamae
Hidari Seigan no kamae no kamae - Ninjutsu  
Migi Seigan no kamaee
Migi Seigan no kamae no kamae - Ninjutsu  
Hira ichimonji no kamae
Hoko no kamae Ninjutsu
Bobi no kamae Ninjutsu
Bobi no kamae - Ninjutsu  

List of all the Kata and techniques in the Shoden Gata level of Koto ryu

Video list of the Kata and techniques in the Shoden Gata level of Koto ryu

List of all the Kata and techniques in the Hekito Gata level of Koto ryu

Video list of the Kata and techniques in the Hekito Gata level of Koto ryu

List of all the Kata and techniques in the Chuden gata level of Koto ryu

Video list of the Kata and techniques in the Chuden gata level of Koto ryu

List of all the Kata and techniques in the Okuden Gata level of Koto ryu

Video list of the Kata and techniques in the Okuden Gata level of Koto ryu