Martial sport
Martial sport (ספורט לחימה) is a form of competition that uses only a specific set of fighting techniques to compete in a set time-frame and arena.
Martial sports such as MMA, differs from Martial art and self defense systems not only by the variety and type of techniques, but in it's the main rational - The main goal of martial sport is winning a competition. The goals of martial arts can include winning, but tend to have a longer time-frame.
Martial sport usually develops high ability in a predetermined set of combat techniques and thus might help to achieve other goals in actual non-competitive fighting.
A list of martial sports documented on AKBAN wiki
Read more: Nage-waza (投げ技): throwing techniques
Read more: Osaekomi-waza (押込技): pins or holds
Read more: Shime-waza (絞技): chokes or strangles
Read more: Muay Tai blocks
Read more: Muay Tai clinches
Read more: Muay Tai elbows
Read more: Muay Tai kicks
Read more: Muay Tai knees
Read more: Muay Tai punches
Read more: BJJ by goal
Read more: BJJ by position
Read more: BJJ tutorials and drills
Read more: Ne-waza: ground techniques