Suisha kata, Shoden Gata level, Kukishin Ryu
Suisha (水車), (Water wheel), (סוישה) is a Kata, a part of the Kukishin ryu koryu in Takamatsu den, It belongs to the Shoden gata level.
Video of Suisya no kata - Kukishinden Ryu
Description of Suisha
Both opponents stand in Seigan. Uke attacks in right, left and then right tsuki. Tori blocks with Jodan yuke, grabs the right tsuki wrist and moves diagonally forward to grab uke's shoulder with right hand. Does a kuzushi forward and when the uke reacts pushes uke backward and throws with O uchi geri
Basic techniques used
This kata uses the following techniques:
Meta perspectives
This technique incorporates these Meta Perspectives:
Outside links