Information Technology

The Ninja myth, is renowned for thinking out of the box and innovative use of technology. This myth is an inspiration. By leveraging technology and logic, we aim, through our databases and LLM agents, to enhance our teaching methods and effectively analyse the rich tapestry of martial tradition and conflict resolution modern techniques.
Since 1997, we've cultivated one of the internet's most extensive martial arts databases. Our site hosts a repository of over 1500 self-recorded videos that document thousands of techniques. The articles are available in Japanese, English, and Hebrew.
While 30 years ago our focus was just cataloging, we've expanded our scope to encompass more than just Ninjutsu. Our use of, previously, the semantic Wikimedia platform and now an AI agent, enables us to structure and make sense of the vast database we've built.
We believe in the power of open access, allowing critical thinkers to look into our data and contribute to the preservation of our shared martial culture. To learn about our outdoor training at Akban,
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