Third level (Green)
- 2 Kamae 構, combat stances
- 3 Daken 打拳体術, striking and punching
- 4 Geri, Kicks 蹴, Using the legs to strike
- 5 Kansetsu-waza 関節技, joint locks
- 6 Sabaki 捌, Movement and evasion
- 7 Kaiten 廻転, Ukemi 受身, rolls and breakfalls
- 8 Chokes, 絞技, Shime waza
- 9 Nage waza 投げ技, throws
- 10 Weapons
- 11 Osaekomi-waza 押込技, pins or holds
- 12 kata 型, forms
- Five minutes randori.
- At least 10 hours (accumulated) of Outside running
Kamae 構, combat stances
- Fudoza, warrior sitting stance
- Kosei no kamae, Fog creating stance
- Hoko no kamae, Bear stance
- Bobi no kamae, defensive posture
- Seigan no kamae
Daken 打拳体術, striking and punching
- Double jab cross drill with focus mitts
- Double Ura shuto drill with focus mitts
- Jab cross double hook drill with focus mitts
- Tsuki and a cross punch drill with focus mitts
Geri, Kicks 蹴, Using the legs to strike
- Spinning rear push kick, Ushiro mawashi geri
- Forward and backward sabaki drill with push kicks
- Ago kin geri - heel kick to chin
- Kinteki sokushi geri - Kick to the groin
- Front knee, Mae hiza geri
Kansetsu-waza 関節技, joint locks
- Waki Gatame
- Te makura
- Muso dori, elbow break
- Third policemen hold
- Seoe
- Oni kudaki, shoulder lock
- Ura gyaku, inner wrist lock
- Ura oni kudaki
Sabaki 捌, Movement and evasion
- Tsuki, back punch with a step
- Back sliding step evasion, Ushiro sabaki
- Moving to the side, yoko tai sabaki
- Moving diagonally back, Naname ushiro sabaki
- Combat walk and diagonal back jump, Ushiro aruki naname tobi tai sabaki
- At least 10 hours (accumulated) of Outside running
Kaiten 廻転, Ukemi 受身, rolls and breakfalls
- Gyaku nagare - rolling from Ichi Monji no kamae
- Oten - Cartwheel
- Yoko nagare - diagonal back roll
- Zenpo ukemi - forward break fall
- Ushiro ukemi - rear break fall
- Zenpo Kaiten Ukemi - forward rolling breakfall
Chokes, 絞技, Shime waza
- Tsukomi Jime - Front tracheal choke
- Katate Jime - Ninjutsu
- Oyayubi jime - Gi choke with thumbs
- Hon jime - Trachea choke, standing from behind
- Sankaku jime - Triangular choke, standing from behind
Nage waza 投げ技, throws
- Ganseki-Ninjutsu underhook
- Tani otoshi - Valley drop
- Sukui Nage - Scoop throw
- Kibisu Gaeshi - Heel trip reversal
- Kouchi gari - Small inner reap
Hanbo 半棒, short stick
- Right diagonal one hand strike, short stick, hanbo, Yoko man migi
- Left diagonal one hand strike, short stick, hanbo, Yoko man hidari
- Two hands right diagonal strike, short stick, hanbo, Yoko man migi
Tanto 短刀, knife
Attacking from these stances:
- Kyo e no kamae, Knife, Kunai, Tento
- Shizen no kamae, Knife, Kunai, Tento
- Jumonji no kamae, Knife, Kunai, Tento
- Jodan no kamae, Knife, Kunai, Tento
- Seigan no kamae, Knife, Kunai, Tento
- Hira no kamae, Knife, Kunai, Tento
- Gedan no kamae, Knife, Kunai, Tento
Kusari 鎖, chain
- Maintaining distance with a turn, manrikigusari, short chain
- Shoulder lock with a short chain, Ura Oni Kudaki to manrikigusari
- Hitting from the side, Do, Kusari, short chain
- Yoko man kuki kusari - Hitting both temples, Short chain
Osaekomi-waza 押込技, pins or holds
- Elbow escape - from mount
- Shrimp and regurad escape - from side control
- Juji gatame - Arm bar - from the guard
- Gyaku juji jime - Reverse cross choke
- Umpa escape - from mount
- Knee pass
- Single underhook pass
- Scissor sweep
- Flower sweep
- Keylock - Oni kudaki - from side control
- Daki Age - Hugging high lift