Ninjutsu techniques

By Yossi Sheriff

Ninjutsu techniques portal (ポータル忍術), is the world's most comprehensive database of practical Ninjutsu and Emotional regulation techniques.

This wiki is part of my slow web attitude which is, off course, pro bono. Please, take your time exploring it. Ninjutsu of the Takamatsu den has a huge syllabus.

More than 11000 Ninjutsu techniques are arranged according to Ryuha, type (Joint locks, throws etc.) or level of violence.

How you can use the AKBAN wiki?

The top of the page are Ninjutsu techniques dissected by type: For example, Joint locks, throws, movement, kicks, etc. Two videos and then a list of links. This is done so that you can glimpse into the category without making this page load hundreds of video thumbnails. Because that's what you have here - more than an eleven thousand, Ninjutsu techniques. You can also find this in Hebrew - (פורטל נינג'יטסו).

Scroll below, and you can watch Ninjutsu Kata of every documented Ryu (e.g. Kukishin ryu techniques) that we have documented so far. Again, you can dig deeper using the list of the Ninjutsu techniques in the category. At the very bottom you can watch some current combat research from the AKBAN dojos.

A personal note from Yossi sheriff

I know, some of the material is outdated, from the time I just started to document - the video camera I had was basic and my editing skills also. The quality is better now with many videos that are current, concise and, I believe, very helpful for a beginner and advanced practitioners of our art - Ninjutsu.

I am Yossi Sheriff, the AKBAN Academy founder, a student of Doron Navon Shihan and a Bujinkan shidoshi since 1991, the year I passed my Godan.

I am leading a decades long project of filming and documenting Ninjutsu and martial arts that intersect with my practice. This is a grassroots project, with no business model to finance it. Any criticism and additions will be integrated to the wiki. Please mail me or use our Twitter, facebook or YouTube to suggest techniques and perspectives

Belt and grade syllabus, from Gokyu to Shodan

  1. 1st level test syllabus
  2. 2nd level test syllabus
  3. 3rd level test syllabus
  4. 4th level test syllabus
  5. 5th level (black) test syllabus
  6. 6th level requirements
  7. 7th level requirements

Recent Training lessons in video from the dojo

Stances, Kamae, 構え

jumonji no kamae
Jumonji no kamae - Ninjutsu  
hicho no kamae
Hicho no kamae - Ninjutsu  

Joint locks 関節技

no subcategories

Throws, 投げ技

Kicks and punches, 蹴り, 打拳

Read more: Elbows
Read more: Geri - kicks
Read more: Punches

Tai Sabaki, movement, break-falls and acrobatics

Kata and Techniques by RYU, 型と技

Kukishin Ryu, 九鬼神流

Koto Ryu, 虎倒流

Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu, 玉虎流骨指術

General Martial arts seminars in AKBAN

no subcategories

The Hatsumi Taijutsu scrolls

These are Bujinkan Taijutsu learning lists arranged according to the writings of Hatsumi Sensei.