17 Backstroke - Detant Niradin morning routine
Backstroke (שחיית גב) is an addition to our 12th lesson movement, the Temple Guard. This addition stretches the diagonal line connection shoulder to hip and follows the back hand with gaze. Adding a mindful control on field of sight and our gaze is another Detant tool to create emotional regulation.
Background of Detant and Niradin
This lesson is a part of the AKBAN Emotion Regulation program. Yossi Sheriff, the AKBAN Academy founder, augments the movement of the Niradin system and the awareness core of Detant. Niradin is a movement system developed by Nir Unger Adin during his decades of learning and teaching in China and India. Emotion Regulation syllabus was developed by Yossi Sheriff, a certified Niradin and Ninjutsu teacher, and teaches system 2 syllabus of regulating emotion and mindfulness through body.