18 Two Resets - Detant Niradin morning routine

By Yossi Sheriff

Two Resets (שני איתחולים) is lesson number 18 in syllabus. The lesson repeats two techniques: Soft Reset and Duodecimal Reset that require coordinating a mental task, counting, and a 'minimal movement' task. Coordination between a mental task and a movement task requires attentiveness and therefore cannot be performed if primitive emotional and thought systems are at work. As soon we can achieve coordination between a new mental task and an unrelated movement task, we start using advanced systems of thinking.

Background of Detant and Niradin

This lesson is a part of the AKBAN Combat Mindfulness program. Yossi Sheriff, the AKBAN Academy founder, augments the movement of the Niradin system and the awareness core of Detant. Niradin is a movement system developed by Nir Unger Adin during his decades of learning and teaching in China and India. Combat Mindfulness syllabus was developed by Yossi Sheriff, a certified Niradin and Ninjutsu teacher, and teaches system 2 syllabus of regulating emotion and mindfulness through body.

Video of two Resets - Detant technique (Vimeo)

Same video, but in YouTube

List of lessons of Detant Niradin